
Fatline is a products line aimed at solving the problem of localized adiposity.
Localized adiposity are subcutaneous adipose tissue accumulations in specific anatomical areas that alter body silhouette.


The optimal well balanced concentration of sodium deoxycholate (1,25%) allows to effectively treat all the localized fat deposits of the body, primary, secondary and pathological.
Aim: reducing fat in a non surgical way in order to get best results in a safe profile.

– 1⁄2 Vial for 10X10 cm of localized adiposity if pinch test is < 3cm.
– 1 Vial for 10X10 cm of localized adiposity if pinch test is > 3cm.

– session evey 5-6 weeks


Its special composition allows to treat successfully and safety localized adiposities of neck and face.
Sodium deoxycholate (0,5%) emulsifies adipocytes, caffeine promotes lipid catabolism Equisetum has a decongestant effect and draining.

Aim: reducing effectively fat in a non surgical way minimizing the posttreatment phase.

– 1⁄2 Vial for 5X5 cm of localized adiposity.

– 1 session evey 5-6 weeks