
Celluline is a products line aim to solve the usightly effects of cellulite.
Cellulite is a chronic degenerative process of subcutaneous fat, which involves changes in skin texture.
The high incidence in young female population and the fact that inevitably affects sportswomen, models and underweight have made that this imperfection has become one of the major target of medical aesthetic treatments.

Celluline offers a new therapeutic scheme can effectively treat cellulite at every stage.

Protocol differs from the clinic frame but generally:

1° Step. Erase the single lesions introverted with CELLUERASE and perform STRIKECELL in a transdermic way in all areas affected from cellulite, on the same session.
2° Step. Treat all areas with STRIKECELL every week for 5-6 weeks.
3° Step. (if necessary) Erase the remaining single lesions with CELLUERASE. Repeat the treatment with STRIKECELL every 6 months, 5-6 sessions.


Formula designed exclusively to treat the orange peel of cellulite, containing well-balanced active ingredients such as caffeine, carnitine, horsetail, artichoke, EDTA. Each of these has a specific function. Aim: reduce the evolutionary process of cellulite by improving its appearance in fine irregularities.

– 1 Vial for session

– 1 session a week for 5-6 weeks

– Exclusive formula containing the following actives principles:
Caffeine. activates the tissue lipid catabolism, increasing the reduction of fatty deposits Carnitine. increases lipid catabolism
Equisetum. diuretic, remineralizing
Artichoke. detoxifying and diuretic action
EDTA. solubilize and remove the extracellular heavy metals, toxic elements, secondary to the damage of the microcirculation.
Chelating metals:
1) reduces the MMPs activity, proteases responsible of the remodeling connective fibrous component.
2) reduces the damage by ROS (antioxidant effect).


Microsurgical blade specifically designed to erase dimpling lesions that results from the alteration of the network of connective tissue strands that tethering the dermis to the deeper layers.

Aim: perform subcision in a best and cheapest way.