
Our peeling are safe, efficient and easy to use. In collaboration with the University of Rome, the Italian Aesthetical has developed these medically classified peels. In doing so, they have approached technology in a completely new way. For example, the composition of the peeling is unique, but the treatment protocol has also changed drastically. With these next generation peels you can offer your patient new solutions.


VolumeLOVEUP is an injectable class 3 medical device.
The revolutionary concept of volumeLOVEUP able to use filling techniques not individually but integrated in a global approach.


Fatline is a products line aimed at solving the problem of localized adiposity. Localized adiposity are subcutaneous adipose tissue accumulations in specific an…


Celluline is a products line aim to solve the usightly effects of cellulite. Cellulite is a chronic degenerative process of subcutaneous fat, which involves cha…


Our Faceline products line is dedicated to the biorevitalization, an aesthetic medicine tecnique for improving skin charateristics by dermal and sub-dermal release of…


A newly developed combination soft peeling in which the acid pool is combined with the moisturizers and aesthetic improvers for an immediate and lastin…


BEST TOOLS FOR PROPER TECHNIQUE Intraliponeedle offers a wide range of needle and cannulas in order to perform different techniques in the most comfortable and effective way.